Many places on the southern slopes of Ivančica hide their historical and mythological secrets. One of them is the old castle Milengrad.

It was built on the edge of a mountain spur of Ivančica, near the village of Grtovec in the Croatian Zagorje region. The strategic importance of its location, naturally protected by steep cliffs on three sides, is evidenced by traces of settlement dating back to prehistoric times.

It was likely constructed in the 14th century as the center of the medieval estate of Zajezda, which spread along the southeastern slopes of Ivančica. Throughout its history, the old town of Milengrad and the Zajezda estate were owned by prominent noble families of the medieval Varaždin County – the Herković and Patačić families. In the second half of the 15th or early 16th century, the old town was adapted to the needs of modern warfare, including the construction of a battery tower. The end of the threat from Ottoman attacks and changes in lifestyle during the 17th century led to the gradual abandonment of old towns in hard-to-reach places and the construction of noble castles in more accessible and pleasant locations. It is assumed that the name Milengrad, or Melengrad, appeared during this process to distinguish it from the new estate seat – the castle in Zajezda.

It is definitely worth visiting this gem of the past!

We started from the Ham/Pokojec mountain lodge, then continued on a relatively straightforward but quite long trail that winds up and down through the forest. Overall, we covered almost 18 kilometers in just under five hours of walking! You can download the GPX track on Strava:

Pictures speak louder than words! Highly recommended for all hikers and walkers looking for slightly different trails.

About the Author: Adrian

Author and writer of more than fifty books, teacher, lecturer, explorer of consciousness, avid windsurfer, and lover of outdoor activities. He’ll write mostly about windsurfing on fin and foil, spot reviews, and camping equipment.
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